
To the Editor: —The recent advertisement of a book on Aviation Medicine (The Journal, Dec. 12, 1925, p. 28) recalls several of the advertisements appended to Rudyard Kipling's With the Night Mail, a story of 2000 A. D. As there prophesied, some of the books of the future will be: Air Currents and Epidemic Diseases; Disease and the Barometer; Health Resorts of the Gobi and Shamo; High Level Bacteriology. One of the characters in that fantastic tale of life in the air remarks: I've read in a book that savages [meaning twentieth century people] used to haul their sick and wounded up to the tops of hills because microbes were fewer there. We hoist 'em into sterilized air for a while. Same idea. Thus do the speculative novelists keep in the vanguard of progressive medicine.

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