
The article deals with the solution of topical strategic tasks of organization of rational land use and land protection in the context of sustainable socio-economic development of rural territories. The main variants of the choice of management for the owner of a land parcel are systematized. The positive and negative sides of individual cultivation of agricultural lands are considered. The essence of the principal elements of the agricultural land acquisition program for crop farming is presented and disclosed. The conditions of cooperation between TAS AGRO and the society under the name «Land Owners’ Union» are revealed. The efficiency of the proposed mechanism is calculated, the security guarantees are determined, and the payment guarantee mechanism is analyzed. The directions for the improvement of forms of leased land relations are characterized and determined. The positive and negative aspects of the individual components of the transformation of land relations in Ukraine are singled out. It is determined that the state policy in the investigated field should be carried out in the direction of strengthening the socio-economic component; regulatory and law enforcement and state support for rhe collective land cultivation; cooperation and integration of agricultural production with the association of industrial, commercial and banking capital; realization of programs of social protection of land owners; protection of land and environment and sustainable development of rural territories of Ukraine as a whole.

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