
A pioneering scientist and educator for more than 50 years, Siegfried ("Zig") Engelmann was among the first to apply the scientific method to the design and delivery of instruction. He stood alone for his ability to create programs that accelerate learning in even the hardest to teach children and that most teachers can learn to use. He wrote or cowrote more than 100 curricula, covering the major subjects from preschool to high school. As a professor of education at University of Oregon and founder of the National Institute for Direct Instruction, he attracted students from around the world. No one did more to help the underdog. Millions of poor children learned when taught by teachers trained in his methods, often when nothing else worked. He never gave up on a child or blamed children for the failings of adults. He lived by his motto: "If the student hasn't learned, the teacher hasn't taught." More scientific evidence validates DI's effectiveness than any other mode of teaching. I will present an overview of Zig's life and achievements.

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