
Let $F$ be a local non-archimedian field and $G$ be the group of $F$-points of a split connected reductive group over $F$. In a previous aricle we defined an algebra $\mathcal J(G)$ of functions on $G$ which contains the Hecke algebra $\mathcal H(G)$ and is contained in the Harish-Chandra Schwartz algebra $\mathcal C(G)$. We consider $\mathcal J(G)$ as an algebraic analog the algebra $\mathcal C(G)$. Given a parabolic subgroup $P$ of $G$ with a Levi subgroup $M$ and the unipotent radical $U_P$ we write $X_P:=G/U_P$. In this paper we study two versions of the Schwartz space of $X_P$. The first is $\mathcal S(X_P):=\mathcal J({\mathcal S} _c(X_P))$ and the 2nd is the space spanned by functions of the form $\Phi_{Q,P}(\phi)$ where $Q$ is another parabolic with the same Levi subgroup, $\phi\in \mathcal S_c(X_Q)$ and $\Phi_{Q,P}$ is a normalized intertwining operator from $L^2(X_Q)$ to $L^2(X_P)$. We formulate a series of conjectures about these spaces, for example, we conjecture that $\mathcal S'(X_P)\subset \mathcal S(X_P)$ and that this embedding is an isomorphism on $M$-cuspidal part. We give a proof of some of our conjectures.

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