
We study multiplication of any Schubert polynomial $\mathfrak{S}_w$ by a Schur polynomial $s_{\lambda}$ (the Schubert polynomial of a Grassmannian permutation) and the expansion of this product in the ring of Schubert polynomials. We derive explicit nonnegative combinatorial expressions for the expansion coefficients for certain special partitions $\lambda$, including hooks and the $2\times 2$ box. We also prove combinatorially the existence of such nonnegative expansion when the Young diagram of $\lambda$ is a hook plus a box at the $(2,2)$ corner. We achieve this by evaluating Schubert polynomials at the Dunkl elements of the Fomin-Kirillov algebra and proving special cases of the nonnegativity conjecture of Fomin and Kirillov.This approach works in the more general setup of the (small) quantum cohomology ring of the complex flag manifold and the corresponding (3-point) Gromov-Witten invariants. We provide an algebro-combinatorial proof of the nonnegativity of the Gromov-Witten invariants in these cases, and present combinatorial expressions for these coefficients.


  • Background and definitionsWe start with a brief discussion of the cohomology ring of the flag manifold, the Schubert polynomials, the Fomin-Kirillov algebra En, and the Fomin-Kirillov nonnegativity conjecture in the classical case; see [BGG, FP, Ma, Mn, FK] for more details

  • We study multiplication of any Schubert polynomial Sw by a Schur polynomial sλ and the expansion of this product in the ring of Schubert polynomials

  • We achieve this by evaluating Schubert polynomials at the Dunkl elements of the Fomin-Kirillov algebra and proving special cases of the nonnegativity conjecture of Fomin and Kirillov

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Brief Introduction

An outstanding open problem of modern Schubert Calculus is to find a combinatorial rule for the expansion coefficients cwuv of the products of Schubert polynomials (the generalized Littlewood-Richardson coefficients), and provide an algebro-combinatorial proof of their positivity. One benefit of the approach via the Fomin-Kirillov algebra is that it can be extended and adapted to the (small) quantum cohomology ring of the flag manifold Fl n and the corresponding (3-point) Gromov-Witten invariants. These Gromov-Witten invariants extend the generalized Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. The problem of finding a combinatorial rule for the generalized Littlewood-Richardson coefficients and the Gromov-Witten invariants of Fl n via the Fomin-Kirillov algebra (or by any other means) still remains widely open in the general case.

Background and definitions
The Fomin-Kirillov nonnegativity conjecture
New results
Quantum cohomology
The nonnegativity conjecture for sλ where λ is a hook
Action on the quantum cohomology
Nonnegativity Conjecture for sλ for other shapes λ
Final remarks
Full Text
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