
Part 1 The context of mathematics education: ethnomathematics and its place in the history and pedagogy of mathematics, U.D'Ambrosio mathematics and ballistics, J.J.M.Bos mathematics education in its cultural context, A.Bishop foundations of eurocentrism in mathematics, G.Joseph mathematics in a social context math within education as praxis versus math with education as hegemony, M.Fasheh folk mathematics, E.Maier hidden messages, J.Maxwell mathematics education - an industrial viewpoint, T.S.Wilkinson the computer as a cultural influence in mathematical learning, R.Noss contextualising mathematics - towards a theoretical map, P.Dowling. Part 2 Mathematics in the workplace - research views: mathematics and workplace research, M.Harris and J.Evans finding the maths in work, M.Harris the role of number in work and training, D.Mathews skills versus understanding, R.Straser, et al mathematics in and out of school, D.Carraher theories of practice, J.Evans and M.Harris. Part 3 Mathematics in the workplace - user views: an industry and mathematics - one view from courtaulds, S.Ingham CAPITB - the work of the clothing and allied products industry training board, K.Pye the gendering of work, J.Holland. Part 4 School mathematics in context: CPVE, S.Sullivan problems solving in the workplace, P.Drake the mathematics and TVEI project, A.Grey work reclaimed - status mathematics in non-elitist contexts, M.Harris and C.Paechter. Postscript the maths in work project, M.Harris.

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