We consider the problem of scheduling semiconductor burn-in operations, where burn-in ovens are modelled as batch processing machines. Most of the studies assume that ready times and due dates of jobs are agreeable (i.e., ri < rj implies di ≤ dj). In many real world applications, the agreeable property assumption does not hold. Therefore, in this paper, scheduling of a single burn-in oven with non-agreeable release times and due dates along with non-identical job sizes as well as non-identical processing of time problem is formulated as a Non-Linear (0-1) Integer Programming optimisation problem. The objective measure of the problem is minimising the maximum completion time (makespan) of all jobs. Due to computational intractability, we have proposed four variants of a two-phase greedy heuristic algorithm. Computational experiments indicate that two out of four proposed algorithms have excellent average performance and also capable of solving any large-scale real life problems with a relatively low computational effort on a Pentium IV computer.
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