
The Smale surgery on the three-dimensional torus allows one to obtain a so-called DA diffeomorphism from the Anosov automorphism. The nonwandering set of a DA diffeomor-phism consists of a single two-dimensional expanding attractor and a finite number of source periodic orbits. As shown by V. Z. Grines, E. V. Zhuzhoma, and V. S. Medvedev, the dynamics of an arbitrary structurally stable 3-diffeomorphism with a two-dimensional expanding attrac-tor generalizes the dynamics of a DA diffeomorphism: such a 3-diffeomorphism exists only on the three-dimensional torus, and the two-dimensional attractor is its unique nontrivial basic set, but its nonwandering set may contain isolated saddle periodic orbits together with source periodic orbits. In the present study, we describe a scenario of a simple transition (through elementary bifurcations) from a structurally stable diffeomorphism of the three-dimensional torus with a two-dimensional expanding attractor to a DA diffeomorphism. A key moment in the construction of the arc is the proof that the closure of the separatrices of boundary periodic points of a nontrivial attractor and of isolated saddle periodic points are tamely embedded. This result demonstrates the fundamental difference of the dynamics of such diffeomorphisms from the dynamics of three-dimensional Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms, in which the closure of the separatrices of saddle periodic points may be wildly embedded.

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