
Multiphoton interference is an essential phenomenon at the very heart not only of fundamental quantum optics and applications in quantum information processing and sensing but also of demonstrations of quantum computational supremacy in boson sampling experiments relying only on linear optical interferometers. However, scalable boson sampling experiments with either photon number states or squeezed states are challenged by the need to generate a large number of photons with fixed temporal and frequency spectra from one experimental run to another. Unfortunately, even the well-established standard multiplexing techniques employed to generate photons with fixed spectral properties are affected by the detrimental effects of losses, spectral distorsions and reduction in purity. Here, we employ sampling correlation measurements in the photonic inner modes, time and frequency, at the interferometer input and output to ensure the occurrence of multiphoton interference even with pure states of input photons with random spectral overlap from one sample to another. Indeed, by introducing a random multiplexing technique where photons are generated with random inner-mode parameters, it is possible to substantially enhance the probability to successfully generate samples and overcome the typical drawbacks in standard multiplexing. We also demonstrate the classical hardness of the resulting problem of scattershot multiboson correlation sampling based on this technique. Therefore, these results not only shed new light in the computational complexity of multiboson interference but also allow us to enhance the experimental scalability of boson sampling schemes. Furthermore, this research provides a new exciting route toward future demonstrations of quantum computational supremacy with scalable experimental resources as well as future applications in quantum information processing and sensing beyond boson sampling.

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