
Multiphoton interference is at the very heart of quantum foundations and applications in quantum sensing and information processing. In particular, boson-sampling experiments have the potential to demonstrate quantum computational supremacy while relying on only multiphoton interference in linear optical interferometers. However, even when photonic losses are negligible, scalable experiments are challenged by the rapid decrease of the probability of the success of current schemes with probabilistic sources for a large number of single photons in each experimental sample. Remarkably, we show a boson sampling scheme in which the probability of success increases instead of decreasing with the number of input photons, eventually approaching a unit value even with nondeterministic sources. It is achieved by sampling measurements not only at the interferometer output but also over all the possible numbers of photons at each input port and, different from scattershot boson sampling, allowing a random number of occupied input ports from one experimental run to another. Therefore, these results provide an exciting route toward future demonstrations of quantum computational supremacy with scalable experimental resources.

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