
The topological quantum number Q of a superconducting or chiral insulating wire counts the number of stable bound states at the end points. We determine Q from the matrix r of reflection amplitudes from one of the ends, generalizing the known result in the absence of time-reversal and chiral symmetry to all five topologically nontrivial symmetry classes. The formula takes the form of the determinant, Pfaffian, or matrix signature of r, depending on whether r is a real matrix, a real antisymmetric matrix, or a Hermitian matrix. We apply this formula to calculate the topological quantum number of N coupled dimerized polymer chains, including the effects of disorder in the hopping constants. The scattering theory relates a topological phase transition to a conductance peak, of quantized height and with a universal (symmetry class independent) line shape. Two peaks which merge are annihilated in the superconducting symmetry classes, while they reinforce each other in the chiral symmetry classes.

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