
In this work we discuss an analytic bootstrap approach [1, 2] in the context of spinning 4D conformal blocks [3, 4]. As an example we study the simplest spinning case, the scalar-fermion correlator leftlangle phi psi phi overline{psi}rightrangle . We find that to every pair of primary scalar ϕ and fermion ψ correspond two infinite towers of fermionic large spin primary operators. We compute their twists and products of OPE coefficients using both s-t and u-t bootstrap equations to the leading and sub-leading orders. We find that the leading order is represented by the scalar-fermion generalized free theory and the sub-leading order is governed by the minimal twist bosonic (light scalars, currents and the energy-momentum tensor) and fermionic (light fermions and the suppersymmetric current) operators present in the spectrum.


  • The obtained CFT result can be interpreted in AdS as a system of scalar particles with large relative angular momentum

  • We find that to every pair of primary scalar φ and fermion ψ correspond two infinite towers of fermionic large spin primary operators

  • We start by discussing the main ingredients of general bootstrap equations in section 2.1 preparing the ground for section 2.2, where we provide an analytic bootstrap recipe in a schematic form

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Bootstrap equations

We work in 4D Minkowski space where the conformal group is SO(2, 4) SU(2, 2). The local primary operators transform in a finite-dimensional representation of the U(1)×SU(2)× SU(2) sub-group and are labeled by the U(1) charge (the scaling dimension) ∆ and the pair of integers ( , ̄) which describes spin. In what follows it will be more convenient to use instead of the scaling dimension another quantity called the twist defined as. A generic 4-point function of local operators has the following form when expanded in the s-channel. The parameters a and b depend on the twists of external operators, parameter c on the spin difference p defined in (2.8). After decomposing it into a set of independent equations by stripping of independent tensor structures TI , all the equations get the following schematic form (zz)A. Equation (2.17) leads to the following set of bootstrap equations We will study this equation in the z, z ∈ [1, +∞] region. One can consider a different correlation function (with positions of operators re-ordered) and to study an s-t channel. In this case the standard s-t techniques straightforwardly apply and no analytic continuation is needed

The analytic bootstrap recipe
Scalar-fermion correlator
Analytic results
Equations: u-t-channel
Equations: s-t-channel
Generalized free theory
A Ward identities
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