
The integration of science within an agricultural education classroom is very important. This study explored the influences CASE professional development institutes had on the teacher-participant’s perceptions of science integration and inquiry-based instruction. This study utilized a pre and post-test comprised of the integrative science survey and the inquiry-based teaching techniques. We attempted a census of all (N = 38) high school agricultural educators who were participants in the Principles of Agricultural Science-Plant (ASP) and the Agricultural Power and Technology (APT) CASE institutes. Overall, respondents had more positive perceptions of science integration and IBI following the CASE institutes. Teacher educators should incorporate inquiry-based teaching techniques and examples of integrating science into preparation programs and offer professional development workshops to practicing teachers. Future research should take a deeper look into the impacts of CASE institutes on teachers’ attitudes towards science integration and implementation of IBI in their classrooms. A larger population of teachers needs to be studied with the study taking a longitudinal approach to focus on the long-term implementation of IBI in the agricultural education classroom.

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