
In July 1987, a section of the southwest wall of Sault Ste. Marie Lock failed during a locking operation when a portion of limestone facing, 60 m by 8 m, separated from the rubble backing wall. Engineering investigations resulted in the selection of the Recreational Lock Option, involving either downsizing the lock chamber within the existing lock or constructing a new lock as the most viable solutions. A Dry Dock Option, where the lock would be used to store craft during the winter months, was also considered. However, this option was abandoned during the course of testing. The engineering investigations also revealed that the emergency swing dam, constructed upstream of the existing lock to protect the system should the lock gates be damaged or carried away (as happened in 1909), was in poor condition and required rehabilitation in the order of over $0.5 million. A stop log emergency system was proposed as an alternative safety device designed to stop the flow of water through the canal in the event of gate failure. Physical hydraulic model studies were carried out to evaluate the feasibility of using an emergency stop log system. The tests showed that stop logs constructed with solid horizontal web plates top and bottom result in unacceptably high hydraulic downpull forces. Open truss stop logs can be deployed to stop the flow of water through the canal in the event of gate failure. The follower should also be constructed as an open truss such that the areas of steel exposed to the flow at the top and bottom of the follower are minimized. Hydraulic uplift forces that could prevent closure can be reduced by increasing the space between the stop log and the follower. Physical hydraulic model studies of the lock filling-emptying systems are described. The first and preferred option consists of downsizing the existing lock and retaining part of the existing wooden culverts and emptying system, if possible. A new filling port, filling valves, and supply culvert would be constructed upstream. In the event that the existing wooden culverts are found to be unserviceable, a second option was considered. This second option would be to fill in the wooden culverts and then construct a new filling port, filling valves, and supply culvert that would discharge into the lock through the upstream breast wall just above floor level. The existing emptying system would be retained or rebuilt. The third option, if both the filling and discharge culverts have to be condemned, would be to build a new lock. The results of the hydraulic model studies carried out to explore these three options are described.Key words: emergency closure, stop logs, follower, canal, lock, downpull, uplift, crane capacity, filling-emptying system, culverts.

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