
We have calculated the radar backscattering characteristics of a variety of compositional and structural models of Saturn's rings and compared them with observations of the absolute value, wavelength dependence, and degree of depolarization of the rings' radar cross section (reflectivity). In the treatment of particles of size comparable to the wavelength of observation, allowance is made for the nonspherical shape of the particles by use of a new semiempirical theory based on laboratory experiments and simple physical principles to describe the particles' single scattering behavior. The doubling method is used to calculate reflectivities for systems that are many particles thick using optical depths derived from observations at visible wavelengths. If the rings are many particles thick, irregular centimeter- to meter-sized particles composed primarily of water ice attain sufficiently high albedos and scattering efficiencies to explain the radar observations. In that case, the wavelength independence of radar reflectivity implies the existence of a broad particle size distribution that is well characterized over the range 1 cm ≲ r ≲ m by n( r) dr = n 0 r −3 dr. A narrower size distribution with a ∼ 6 cm is also a possibility. Particles of primarily silicate composition are ruled out by the radar observations. Purely metallic particles, either in the above size range and distributed within a many-particle-thick layer or very much larger in size and restricted to a monolayer, may not be ruled out on the basis of existing radar observations. A monolayer of very large ice “particle” that exhibit multiple internal scattering may not yet be ruled out. Observations of the variation of radar reflectivity with the opening angle of the rings will permit further discrimination between ring models that are many particles thick and ring models that are one “particle” thick.

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