
This paper describes results from a detailed study of circular anomalies—related to outcrops of granitic domes over the western part of the Armorican Massif—using SPOT, Landsat TM, Seasat, and composite imagery in conjunction with aerial photographs. Two types of features have been distinguished: (1) simple and circular, related to small granitic bodies or to hidden domes, which correspond with concentric networks of fractures formed during the cooling of the granite, and (2) complex and composite of the onion skin type, related to the larger plutonic domes. This type of feature could also be related to the concentric cooling networks but would more probably correspond to the magmatic foliation planes. Semi-circular features of the “half-moon” type, derived from these described structures, are located on the periphery of plutonic domes. These could correspond to preliminary intrusions cross cut by the major structures. From the lineament maps and based on the relationship between regional foliation fracturing networks and circular features, the following networks can be distinguished: (1) radial networks centered on plutonic diapirs, which seem to be contemporary with the granitic intrusions; (2) transverse networks that pass around or across circular features, creating fan-shaped forms and which are late with respect to the granitic intrusions; (3) post-tectonic fracturing networks that cross all previously described structures; and (4) a network, parallel to the regional foliation N070, which crosses or twists the circular features. This system documents the syntectonic pattern of the granites. Translated by Judit Ozoray, Chicoutimi, Quebec from: “Structures circulaires et réseaux de fractures en pays granitique. Analyse de données SPOT, Landsat TM et Seasat sur le Massif armoricain,” Bull. Soc. géol. France, 1993, Vol. 164, No. 2, pp. 199-214, with permission of the Société Gèologique de France (please cite original paper).

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