
Alstroemeria species present a well-conserved and asymmetric karyotype. The genus is divided into a Chilean clade, rich in heterochromatin, and a Brazilian clade, poor in heterochromatin. We investigated the distribution of the main repetitive sequences in the chromosomes of the Brazilian species A. longistaminea (2n = 16 + 0-6B) aiming to evaluate the role played by these sequences on the structural organization of the karyotype. In situ hybridization of the three most abundant retrotransposons, corresponding to ~ 45% of the genome, was uniformly distributed. Three satellite DNA sequences, representing near half of the whole satellite fraction (1.93% of the genome), were mainly concentrated on the heterochromatin and one of them painted the whole B chromosome. Noteworthy, some satellites were located on euchromatin, either dispersed or concentrated in clusters along the chromosomes, revealing a G-band-like pattern. The two satellites that presented more C-band- and G-band-like labeling were also hybridized in situ in two other Alstroemeria species. They revealed astonishing similar patterns of distribution, indicating an unusually structural karyotype conservation among Brazilian species.

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