
BACKGROUND:Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (APS) is a rare disorder. It’s co-existence with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) was reported in 5 cases before but, none of them was APS type 1up to our knowledge. The overlap between the 2 conditions indicates a possible association between Autoimmunity and immunodeficiency.CLINICAL CASE:A 21-year-old lady was diagnosed to have CVID since infancy, as she was presenting to the hospital with recurrent infections and sepsis. At the age of 7 months, she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and was started on insulin. Furthermore, at 2 years of age she was found to have primary hypothyroidism and in her teenage she was diagnosed with primary adrenal insufficiency. Her history became more complicated when she also started to develop recurrent oral and esophageal candidiasis that required systemic anti-fungal therapy. Later in her life, she was incidentally found to have hypoparathyroidism when her labs showed hypocalcemia with inappropriately normal parathyroid hormone. She had chronic diarrhea which was thought to be due to celiac disease based on intestinal biopsy showing villous atrophy. With her IgA deficiency, her Tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies were not reliable. Splenic atrophy was also detected on abdominal imaging. She never reached puberty and elected with her parents to not start combined hormonal therapy.With the constellation of these features, we concluded that she has type 1 APS along with CVID.CONCLUSION:Autoimmunity and immunodeficiency might be interconnected. Early diagnosis will affect the quality of life and early targeted treatment will prevent morbidity and early mortality. KEY WORDS: Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome, Common Variable Immunodeficiency.

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