
Sanitary and hygienic condition of refrigerators and facilities for storage of meat of slaughtered animals at the powers of their production and circulation


  • Sanitary and hygienic condition of refrigerators and facilities for storage of meat of slaughtered animals at the powers of their production and circulation

  • Test cultures of bacteria of different genera were isolated from the facilities of refrigeration chambers of production facilities and wholesale base at temperatures of -12 oС and -2... -3 oС: Echerichia – 12.5–16.7 %; Staphylococcus aureus – up to 12.5 %, Salmonella – not detected; from the objects of refrigeration chambers of the agri-food market at room temperature 0... 6 oС and 0... -1 oС, knives, hands of workers: Echerichia – 41.7–50.0 %; Salmonella – 16.7–12.5 %; Staphylococcus aureus – up to 33.3–29.7 %; from supermarket facilities at the temperature of refrigeration chambers -6... -8 oС and 4 ± 2 oС, knives, hands of Scientific Messenger LNUVMB

  • Sanitary-hygienic evaluation of meat processing enterprises productions and their sanation

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It is proved that at a temperature of -12 oC in refrigeration chambers during storage of meat of slaughter animals at production facilities and wholesale base at relative humidity of 95 and 90 % for 3, 6 and 8 months, respectively, the content of MAFANM in the air was respectively (0.39 ± 0.04) × 102 and (0.41 ± 0.04) × 102 CFU/m3; at a temperature of -2... Food market operators implementing the HACCP system based on the current procedures of GMP, GHP and GLP must carry out sanitary and microbiological control of refrigeration facilities (air, floors, tables/counters, walls, hangers) of meat production facilities, wholesale bases, supermarkets and agri-food markets, as well as knives and hands of workers, which will create appropriate sanitary and hygienic conditions at these facilities, prevent contamination of meat of slaughter animals with microorganisms, its spoilage, the emergence of food poisoning. Санітарно-гігієнічний стан холодильних камер та об’єктів за зберігання м’яса забійних тварин на потужностях з їх виробництва та обігу. Метою дослідження було встановити показники якісного та кількісного складу мікрофлори повітря, стін, підлоги, столів/прилавків, вішал холодильних камер, ножів, рук працівників за виробництва та обігу м’яса забійних тварин, а також встановити мікробіологічні показники за вмістом МАФАнМ в м’ясі забійних тварин, що зберігалися у холодильних камерах потужностей різних типів

Матеріал і методи досліджень
Результати та їх обговорення
Staphуlococcus aureus
Salmonella m
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