
Abstract Sampling errors of rainfall retrieved by a low-inclination, low-altitude satellite, such as the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite, are estimated by using radar–AMeDAS (Automatic Meteorological Data Acquisition System) rainfall data around Japan. The data are composite radar-derived rainfall maps calibrated with a dense surface rain gauge network (AMeDAS). In this study, sampling errors of monthly rainfall have been estimated over 5° × 5° and 2.5° × 2.5° (latitude × longitude) domains using a 43-month time series of radar–AMeDAS data. For a 5° × 5° area the sampling error around Japan would be approximately 16% with the swath width of the TRMM microwave imager (TMI) and approximately 20% with the swath width of the TRMM precipitation radar. Using the swath width of TMI, the sampling error for a 2.5° × 2.5° area was 24%. These errors are relatively larger than found in previous studies using Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP) Tropical Atlantic Experiment (GATE) radar data...

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