
Abstract The effect of salinity in inducing soil macro and micronutrient deficiencies that can decrease crop growth was evaluated in a corn (Zea mays L.) field located in east central Wyoming. In this study water soluble Na was found to be a better predictor of salinity than pH and other cations. Soil saturated paste extracts had electrical conductivities that were negatively correlated with soil total K, Cu, Fe, and Mn. Total N, NO3‐N, PO4‐P, Zn, pH, and water soluble Na, Ca, and Mg of the soil were positively correlated with EC. Significant positive relationships existed between soil EC and N, P, Mo, and Zn, and negative relationships with K, Cu, Fe, and Mn of corn leaves and kernels. Concentrations of nutrients in the kernels were positively correlated with corresponding nutrient concentrations in the leaves and with AB‐DTPA extractable soil nutrients. The analysis of variance of EC data indicated that soil samples possessing high salinity were higher in pH and contained significantly higher soluble Na...

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