Following the disaster in Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in 2011, the awareness of securing the safety of NPP under extreme events has been raised. For this purpose, the concept of Design Extension Conditions (DECs) was introduced, to enhance the plant’s capability to withstand events that are more severe than Design Basis Accidents (DBA), such as Multiple Steam Generator Tube Rupture (MSGTR) accident, given its rapid progression and significant potential for large release of radioactive materials to the environment. It is worth noting that MSGTR has never occurred during the commercial operation of nuclear power plant, therefore the knowledge of consequences of the event and potential mitigation strategy is limited. In this study, a postulated MSGTR (simultaneous rupture of 5 U-tubes in a single SG) accident is analysed using the best-estimate thermal hydraulics code RELAP5/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.4. The main focus of this work is evaluation of appropriate operator mitigation actions under various inherent uncertainties. To this end, the best estimate plus uncertainty (BEPU) approach is adopted, whereby RELAP5/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.4 was coupled to the statistical analysis software, DAKOTA, to conduct the uncertainty quantification (UQ). Using BEPU analysis, an ensemble of system responses under various epistemic and aleatory uncertainties is obtained and used to validate the efficacy of operator actions in bringing the plant to a safe shutdown condition.
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