
The Safety Analysis Report for Packaging (SARP) satisfies the request of the U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration for a formal safety analysis of the two insulated drum shipping containers identified as USA/5790/BLF ERDA-AL and USA/5791/BLF ERDA-AL. Discussions of structural integrity, thermal resistance, radiation shielding and radiological safety, nuclear criticality safety, and quality control are included. Much of the information was previously submitted to ERDA/OSD/ALO and the Department of Transportation (DOT) and provided the basis for obtaining special permits DOT-SP-5790 and DOT-SP-5791 as well as the Interim Certificates of Compliance until the SARP could be prepared. Complete physical and technical descriptions of the packages are presented. Each package consists of a modified DOT Specification 2R cylindrical steel inner container centered within an insulated steel drum. The contents may be any radioactive materials which satisfy the requirements established in this SARP. A shipment of Plutonium-238 in the form of a solid oxide is evaluated in this SARP as an example. The results of the nuclear criticality safety analysis show how much of the fissile isotopes may be shipped as Fissile Class I, II, or III for each container. Design and development considerations, the test and evaluations required to prove themore » ability of the containers to withstand normal transportation conditions, and the sequence of four hypothetical accident conditions (free drop, puncture, thermal, and water immersion) are discussed.« less

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