
Safety, and security are closely related to improving passenger services, especially in the railway station area. Because the improvement of passenger services can increase the competitiveness and optimistic perspective of the community towards rail services, This study tries to analyze previous studies related to aspects of safety and security in passenger services, especially at railway stations. This study aims to obtain a state-of-the-art element of safety and security related to improving passenger service at the railway station. The literature study results on 5 data sources obtained as many as 32 papers that answered questions from 5 research questions. The results show that six factors, nine parameters, and eight risk indications affect the safety and security of the railway station. While the approaches used to conduct the assessment are quantitative, simulation-based, expert system-based, network-based, failure-oriented, and hybrid approaches. This research intends to produce an intelligent, safe, and secure railway station by separating safety and security indexes, implementing controls, determining benchmarks and standardization, and indication specifications to determine risk levels.

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