
The results of testing the hypotheses put forward in the work suggest that, firstly, foreign measures are poorly applicable to eliminate sabotage by Russian officials and there is a need to develop individual measures to combat sabotage in the Russian civil service. Secondly, purposeful work on a systematic fight against sabotage of civil servants is not yet being carried out. The extremely poor knowledge of the identified problem set tasks aimed at expanding the objects of research, drawing conclusions about the current state of sabotage in the domestic civil service. The main results were obtained by analyzing the literature and researching surveys of civil servants at the federal and regional levels, conducted by other scientists. At the same time, the emphasis is on studying the opinions of experts, former and current officials, and on their basis, conclusions are drawn about the current state of sabotage in the Russian civil service. As a result, new and refined measures are proposed to combat sabotage of Russian civil servants (organize courts of honor; eliminate overtime unpaid work of civil servants; adjust the regulations for the work of officials; provide non-material benefits to civil servants that reduce the value of rest for them; introduce classical schemes for combating shirking in the civil service, borrowing them from commercial structures; to reduce staff turnover; to increase the attractiveness of the civil service; to establish standards for anti-sabotage behavior). It seems that the questions raised in this article will allow future researchers to better understand the directions of potential research in the field of sabotage of officials, to compose representative questionnaires and identify the right questions for in-depth interviews of civil servants in this area, to develop other measures to improve the management of civil service in the Russian Federation.

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