
Islam and Javanese culture can communicate harmoniously without conflict. The presence of acculturation can be seen in rural traditions and rural Sufism, such as the Luwahan/Nyadran tradition. The people of Bangunrejo Kidul village still maintain the ruwahan tradition as a form of Islamic da'wah. This article aims to analyze the ruwahan tradition that shapes the balance between spirituality and the expression of diversity in rural communities. The research utilizes a qualitative descriptive method, with data collection through engaged observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation.The ruwahan or nyadran tradition practiced by the people of Bangunrejo Kidul Village is a slametan ceremony held every year during the month of Ramadan, specifically in the month of Ruwah/Sya'ban, to honor the spirits of ancestors who have passed away. For those who follow this tradition, the ceremony serves as a means to learn to get closer to Allah and even feel His presence in daily activities. The moral values embedded in this tradition shape the individual's character and build a unique society amidst modernity while preserving customs inherited from their predecessors. The purpose of this tradition is to encourage a religious pattern within the community based on noble morals, ultimately aiming to achieve al-insan al-kamil by emphasizing the principle of takhalluq bi al-akhlaqillah and placing tawhid (the oneness of Allah) as the core value, thus establishing good relationships between humans, Allah, others, and nature.The ruwahan tradition becomes a space for expressing religious devotion within the community, with the intention of reminding humans of their origins, known as sangkang paraning dumadi, through activities such as nyekar (visiting graves), kenduri/slametan (communal feast), megengan (self-purification), punggahan (ritual procession), and padusan (ritual bathing). The enhancement of spirituality and piety through this tradition represents the implementation of faith that fosters the strengthening of diversity within society.

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