
This new book dealing with the life of Ernest Rutherford has been written and compiled by a New Zealander, enthusiastic about both his country and the outstanding pioneer of radioactivity and nuclear physics, who was indeed one of the greatest physicists of all time (although he obtained the chemistry Nobel Prize in 1908). The author has searched most carefully for all possible traces of his hero, especially in the country of his birth, bringing together detailed reminiscences of surviving witnesses and their descendants and has collected together photos and pictures of the family, friends, teachers, buildings, places and towns and landscapes where Ernest grew up. He has thus also created something like a history of New Zealand and the life of British settlers in the second half of the 19th century. We have to be very grateful to Campbell for telling us these details of the tough conditions under which the later star of physics grew up, and we forgive him that his heart was less concerned with the later times, where Rutherford became the man we know, as these periods of his career in England, Canada and again England are far better known (from other biographies) than the early life in New Zealand. The book has been produced, designed and illustrated very well. It deserves a place of honour on the bookshelves of every physicist, especially physics teachers. Furthermore, the author gives quite reasonable accounts of the main scientific achievements of Rutherford, which can be digested even by the interested layman, and provides an excellent feeling of the greatness of his personality. Indeed, the 'Scientist Supreme' throughout his life enjoyed great popularity amongst contemporary colleagues and the admiration of the numerous collaborators (from all over the scientific world) who worked with him but despite the many honours bestowed on him he remained a straightforward and humble man.

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