
Commercial production of fig (Ficus carica), in Brazil is based on the cultivar Roxo de Valinhos, which is highly susceptible to diseases and pests. The aim of this study was to evaluate rust resistance of 34 fig landraces accessed from urban and rural areas of the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and cv. Roxo de Valinhos against rust (Cerotelium fici) The experiments were conducted in 2013 and 2014 at EPAGRI-Lages (27°35′W, 50°05′South) and IFC-Concórdia (27°11′W, 52°4′South), Santa Catarina, Brazil. Biweekly assessments of incidence and severity of rust started 30 days after transplantation and continued until the end of fruiting. Genotypes of thick, purple fruits from Lages (HTPL) and from Western Santa Catarina (CTPW) and the genotypes of thin, purple fruits from Lages (BThPL) and from Western Santa Catarina (FThPW) were highly resistant to rust. The availability of fig landraces that are rust resistant indicates that fig orchards can be diversified with local genetic resources less vulnerable than the highly vulnerable commercial cv. Roxo de Valinhos.

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