
The article discusses the main features of the Russian philosophy of war that developed in the first third of the 20th century. The author shows that in Russia, the philosophy of war did not develop as a separate broad line of research but limited itself to only a few meaningful, but rather brief, experiments. Nevertheless, many Russian philosophers (Fyodor Dostoevsky, Vladimir Soloviev, Evgenii Troubetzkoy, Ivan Ilyin, Nikolai Berdyaev, Lev Karsavin and others) left deep, well-founded reasoning about war, which can be reconstructed as a consistent system of views. One of its features is the shift in the focus of considering armed violence from the sociological and political to the anthropological and ethical; the focus is not on war as a social phenomenon, but on the human’s position in war. In this regard, the attitude to war in Russian philosophy is paradoxical. On the one hand, war brings a lot of evil in the form of death of many people and destruction, but, on the other hand, it promotes to the manifestation of the best moral qualities in people, up to selflessness and heroism. Armed violence seems to be a tragedy of the Christian conscience, and each participant must independently find a justification for his participation in the war. Based on the conditions of a difficult moral choice, personal, existential justification may come from the idea that people cannot commit violence with a clear conscience. In this case, the person choosing to participate in a war perceives the battle as his own guilt that should be expiated.


  • The article discusses the main features of the Russian philosophy of war that developed in the first third of the 20th century

  • The author shows that in Russia, the philosophy of war did not develop as a separate broad line of research but limited itself to only a few meaningful, but rather brief, experiments

  • Many Russian philosophers (Fyodor Dostoevsky, Vladimir Soloviev, Evgenii Troubetzkoy, Ivan Ilyin, Nikolai Berdyaev, Lev Karsavin and others) left deep, well-founded reasoning about war, which can be reconstructed as a consistent system of views

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Русская философия войны Серебряного века: основные особенности Даже защищавшая милитаристские идеи, относилась к вооруженному насилию критично; для нее война не есть феномен, сродни явлению природы, а есть драматическое столкновение различных интересов, оказывающее огромное влияние на все стороны жизни общества. Напоминающей, что войну ведут все-таки люди, а не безличные агенты-солдаты, философия войны не состоялась бы как оригинальное направление мысли.

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