
ABSTRACTWorld War I greatly influenced Russian military cartography, as the patriarch of Russian cartography, K .A. Salishchev, noted in 1948:The two facts have become obvious during the war. The military maps of the 19th – early 20th Centuries, so to say, ‘yesterday maps’, have proved to be ineffective to solve new problems. The old centralized organization of the military topographic service with its stuffy, scanty and unprepared for work under conditions of war, has proved to be equally ineffective. (Salishchev K. A. Essential cartography. Historical part and cartographic material: a textbook for universities. Moscow, 1948, p. 100. Салищев, К. А. Основы картоведения. Часть историческая и картографические материалы : Учебник для вузов. - Москва : Геодезиздат, 1948, c.100)Against this backdrop, this article targets three different spheres of the key innovations in Russian military cartography: the adaptation of maps for use by artillery; the use of aviation; and the decentralization of map printing.

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