
Dismantling the Cold War era's last remaining military barrier and building permanent peace on the divided Korean Peninsula is unquestionably a tough process facing numerous obstacles that sometimes look insurmountable. There will be a rocky road ahead for the two Koreas to achieve a basis for peaceful coexistence pending reunification in the wake of the deadly confrontation of the past half-century. In view of the close contacts between Russia and Korea, there has been speculation by some experts and the mass media regarding the possible formation of a tripartite strategic coalition among them, similar to the tripartite coalition among South Korea, the United States and Japan. The author argues that the peaceful process, cooperation and reunification between the North and the South should develop on the basis of principles agreed upon by the Korean people. Whether International politics, for example, major powers like it or not, Super great powers, especially including Russia, must do it. That is their responsibility for world peace and the stability of Korean peninsular.

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