
This research is to determine the value of Mean Runway Occupancy Time Landing (MROTL) owned by runway 3 (24/06) Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. The Runway Occupancy Time Landing (ROTL) calculation method refers to the Doratask method used by Perusahaan Umum Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan (Perum LPPNPI) in calculating runway capacity. It can be seen from the results of this study, that runway 06 has a Runway Occupancy Time Landing (ROTL) value of 69,6 seconds for category C aircraft and 68,2 for category D aircraft. Meanwhile, that runway 24 has a Runway Occupancy Time Landing (ROTL) value is 71,5 seconds for category C aircraft and 69,9 seconds for category D aircraft. The results of this study can be used as a baseline for further research regarding runway capacity

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