
This study aimed to determine the formulation of an alternative marketing strategy for processed nopia cakes in Pakunden Village, Banyumas District, Banyumas Regency. The research was conducted in February – March 2021 in Pakunden Village, Banyumas District, Banyumas Regency. The number of samples in this study was 26 respondents of nopia maker. The study results stated that the formulation of an alternative marketing strategy for nopia cakes in Pakunden Village, Banyumas District, Banyumas Regency, was to increase the sales production process by maintaining the quality and price of competitors, mastering marketing areas and new customers, take advantage of existing technology to promote it more broadly, expand the place of manufacture and open outlets so that consumers are more familiar with them, has many taste innovations in nopia, and it adds to the workforce in the nopia cakes.


  • This study aimed to determine the formulation of an alternative marketing strategy for processed nopia cakes in Pakunden Village, Banyumas District, Banyumas Regency

  • The research was conducted in February – March 2021 in Pakunden Village, Banyumas District, Banyumas Regency

  • The study results stated that the formulation of an alternative marketing strategy for nopia cakes in Pakunden Village, Banyumas District, Banyumas Regency, was to increase the sales production process by maintaining the quality and price of competitors, mastering marketing areas and new customers, take advantage of existing technology to promote it more broadly, expand the place of manufacture and open outlets so that consumers are more familiar with them, has many taste innovations in nopia, and it adds to the workforce in the nopia cakes

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Sistem agribisnis terdiri dari subsistem input, usahatani (pertanian), sistem output, pemasaran dan penunjang. Secara konsepsional sistem agribisnis dapat diartikan sebagai semua aktifitas, mulai dari pengadaan dan penyaluran sarana produksi sampai dengan pemasaran produk-produk yang dihasilkan oleh usahatani yang saling terkait satu sama lainya. Seiring permintaan konsumen sehingga sekarang kue nopia memiliki banyak varian rasa, ada rasa coklat, gula merah, pandan, dan durian. Di Kecamatan Banyumas tepatnya di Desa Pakunden merupakan Desa yang banyak memproduksi kue nopia. Pada kondisi usaha kue nopia di Desa Pakunden yang berkembang mengakibatkan adanya persaingan yang semakin luas sehingga strategi pemasaran perlu dilakukan oleh produsen kue nopia supaya usahanya tetap berkembang. Kue nopia yang berasal dari Desa Pakunden memiliki rasa yang khas, dengan bentuk yang bulat seperti layaknya kue bakpia Yogyakarta dan rasanya yang khas tersebut menjadikan kue nopia dikenal sebagai makanan khas Banyumas. Sehingga kue nopia mempunyai label pada kemasan, hingga kue nopia bisa terkenal sebagai makanan khas Banyumas

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