The lower Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) Clifton Limestone of Jamaica yields three species of hippuritid bivalve: Barrettia ruseae CHUBB, Whitfieldiella luceae sp. nov. and Vaccinites vermunti MAC GILLAVRY, and the plagioptychid: Plagioptychus sp. The hippuritids are described in detail using statistics. Barrettia ruseae is demonstrated to be a more primitive species of Barrettia than B. monilifera WOODWARD or B. multilirata WHITFIELD, and the species Whitfieldiella luceae is shown to be a more primitive species of Whitfieldiella than W. gigas CHUBB. The specimens of Vaccinites from the Clifton Limestone are compared with populations of Vaccinites from elsewhere in the Americas, and five species (probably representing a single evolutionary lineage) are recognized: V. alencasteri sp. nov. (?late Turonian-?Coniacian), V. martini MAC GILLAVRY (probably early to mid Santonian), V. macgillavryi PALMER (probably mid to late Santonian), V. vermunti MAC GILLAVRY (earliest Campanian), and V. temazcali sp. nov. (late early Campanian). The Vaccinites species can be distinguished using statistical techniques. The ages of the Clifton Limestone and the five Vaccinites species are reviewed. This research demonstrates the value of using hippuritids for biostratigraphy in the Upper Cretaceous of the Americas.
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