
AT the ordinary meeting of the Royal Society of Edinburgh on July 2, Sir William Wright Smith, president, presented to the Society, on behalf of the subscribers, a bronze portrait head, by Benno Schotz, of Sir Edmund Whittaker, president of the Society during 1939–44. A copy will also be presented to Sir Edmund Whittaker. Mr. Stanley Cursiter presented to the Society a copy of his portrait of Sir William Wright Smith. The Gunning Victoria Jubilee Prize (1940–44) was presented to Prof. H.. W. Turn-bull, regius professor of mathematics in the University of St. Andrews, and the Makdougall-Brisbane Prize (1942–44) jointly to Prof. Max Born, Tait professor of natural philosophy in the University of Edinburgh, and Dr. H. W. Peng. After the presentations Prof. Sydney Chapman, at the request of the Council and in terms of the Bruce-Preller Lecture Fund, addressed the Society on "The Earth's Magnetism".

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