
Carbonate staining has long been utilized with thin sections. Similar techniques are also extremely useful for distinguishing the mineralogy and texture of different carbonate minerals in drill cores. The simplest method for routine staining of whole drill core utilizes a dilute hydrochloric acid solution containing both alizarin red S and potassium ferricyanide. This solution is painted on to the drill core to allow for the rapid identification of calcite, ferroan calcite, ferroan dolomite (ankerite), and rhodochrosite. Production-scale staining of whole drill core rapidly provides a wealth of information on carbonate mineralogy and textural relationships in a number of deposit types. Examples from the Irish Zn-Pb district, the McArthur River Zn-Pb-Ag district, the Ruby Creek Cu-Co deposit, and the Kansanshi copper deposit are presented to illustrate the type of information that can be gained through use of this inexpensive and rapid technique.

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