
In the taxonomic structure of the flora of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR), the family Rosaceae Juss. is in the top five. However, a special study of the rose-colored on the territory of the republic has not been carried out so far. In this regard, the purpose of the work was a geographical and biomorphological analysis, assessment of biodiversity and resource potential of the regional flora Rosaceae Juss. At present, the family Rosaceae of the KBR flora unites 29 genera and 145 species. Most of the genera have a weak species saturation (1-2 species). Potentilla, Rosa, Alchemilla are assigned to large genera, Cotoneaster, Crataegus and Rubus to medium ones, Sorbus, Geum and Fragaria to small ones. The distribution of species over the floristic subdistrict of the KBR is not uniform. Growth in different altitudinal zones, noted for 64.8% of the species, indicates the wide ecological plasticity of many Rosaceae. The similarity of the local floras of Rosaceae varies from very low (steppe and mountain zones) to high (alpine regions). The generic coefficient positively correlates with the number of species of floristic subareas and varies from 4.44 (Elbrus subdistrict) to 1.20 (TerskoProkhladnensky subdistrict). The originality of the Rosaceae is maximum in the Elbrus floristic subdistrict (3.45% of the total number of species). The flora of the Rosaceae is marked by tertiary and glacial relics, redlisted species, which, along with narrow endemics, need protection. According to the predominant groups of geoelements, the flora Rosaceae Juss. is boreal-common-holarctic-ancient mediterranean. The biomorphological spectrum of the flora belongs to the phanerophytic-hemicryptophytic type. In view of the multi-purpose economic use of a number of Rosaceae species the resource and ecological assessment of wild plants stocks is relevant for their involvement in the economic turnover

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