
In the sports grounds of Chinese schools, learning new skills takes place alongside self-cultivation through diligence and endurance; teachers demonstrate their skill and commitment through an authoritarian role and close attention to detail; and individual talent is rewarded, but those who stand out are also expected to serve others as committed role models. In China, being a coach in whatever sports events is a big deal. Students who are players or athletes have high respect for their coaches, just as how they respect their teachers. It is coupled with a great responsibilities and roles. It requires a great deal of trust and confidence on someone or an authority of designating a coach who will take care of the team. It is in their hands where the future of the players is at stake. They can make or unmake an athlete or a player under their guidance and training. The study intends to determine the roles and responsibilities of coaches towards their team players in team sports in a primary school in Anhui Province, China with the end view of developing a training program for coaches. Responsibilities of coaches to their players was not found to be significantly correlated with their roles in terms of understanding reality, and determining a way forward. But in terms of clarifying goal, and realizing possible outcomes, significant relationship with their responsibilities as coach was evident to a moderate degree. This can be explained that their responsibilities to their players have something to do with their roles on clarifying goal, and in realizing possible outcomes. This further explains that while the coaches do their responsibilities as coach, the goal that they want to achieve for their players can be easily achieved, and options or possible outcomes for any activity can be realized. The over-all result suggests that being a highly responsible coach could influence positively the way they practice their roles as coach towards their players.

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