
A- and I-type magmas are commonly associated with rare earth element (REE) and gold (Au) mineralization. However, the behavior and solubility of the REEs and gold within the A- and I-type magmas and their synchronous magmatism remain unclear. This study focused on the synchronous Early Cretaceous A- and I-type magmatism that formed alkaline and granodioritic complexes within the Luxi and Jiaobei terranes of the central-eastern North China Block, terranes that contain the third largest known REE deposit in China and the third largest gold province in the world. Our integrated whole-rock geochemical and Nd isotopic data and zircon Hf-O isotopic data provide new insights into the petrogenesis of these contemporaneous A- and I-type magmas and their role in the generation of the REE and gold mineralization in this area. The alkaline magmas that formed the intrusions in the Luxi terrane had A- and I-type affinities, were oxidized, were fluorine-, sulfur-, and copper-rich, were H2O-poor, and were generated by low-pressure partial melting of a source region containing enriched lithospheric mantle material and minor amounts of Paleoproterozoic A-type granitic crust. In comparison, the granodioritic magmas within the Jiaobei terrane had I-type affinities, were relatively reduced, were sulfur-rich, contained low concentrations of Cu, were hydrous, and were formed by high-pressure partial melting of a source region containing enriched mantle material and large volumes of Archean to Paleoproterozoic crustal material. The A- and I-type magmas within the Luxi terrane also have higher high field strength element (HFSE; e.g., Th, Nb, Ta) and total light rare earth element (ΣLREE) concentrations as well as higher ΣLREE/total heavy rare earth element (ΣHREE) ratios than the I-type magmas enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs; e.g., Ba, Sr) in the Jiaobei terrane. These characteristics suggest that the diversity of REE and gold mineralization was the result of interaction between the lithospheric mantle and hybrid sediment-derived melts and aqueous fluids under rutile-bearing eclogite-facies (>2.0 GPa) conditions within the Luxi terrane and with aqueous fluids under amphibolite- to eclogite-facies (>1.5 GPa) conditions within the Jiaobei terrane. Our study strongly suggests that the interaction between the lithospheric mantle and sediment-derived melts, the presence of coexisting REE- and fluorine-rich magmas, and low-pressure partial melting were all crucial factors in the formation of A-type intrusion-related REE deposits, whereas high-pressure partial melting and contemporaneous sulfur and chalcophile element enrichment were critical processes in the formation of I-type intrusions prospective for gold mineralization.

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