
Background: Toddlers are exposed to a variety of risk factors which includes playing with small material like coins, marbles, rings, unsupervised play and eating, children with decreased consciousness which may leads to choking. Children's respiratory crises and cardiac arrest are frequently brought on by choking or the introduction of an outside object into the airway, especially in children within the 6 months and 3 years of age. Childhood injuries have recently been a public health concern due to the frequency of pulmonary aspiration and choking in children under two years old, as well as mother referrals to medical institutions. According to research conducted in the United States, choking on external items caused 2.9% of children under the age of 4 is prone to die.Aim and Objective: To assess effectiveness of role play regarding prevention of choking and pulmonary aspiration among the mothers of toddler and associate findings with demographic variables.Material and methods: This research were adopted a pre-post experimental research approach among mothers of toddler between the age group of 20-40. 135 mothers of toddler involved in this research. Data were analyzed using the IBM Corp. Released 2016. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 26.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp. Qualitative variables were described as numbers and percentages.Results: Before intervention minimum knowledge score was 6.54 and maximum knowledge score percentage was 27.25%. After intervention maximum knowledge score was 70.12%. the average knowledge score has increased by 10.28 and currently represents 42.97% of the total possible points.Conclusion: Choking is a medical condition in which acute blockage of upper respiratory tract occur by a solid particle such as coins, lollypop, hairclips, grapes, marbles, foreign objects accidentally which leads to respiratory crisis like asphyxia as well as cardiac arrest. Toddlers and elderly age group are prone for choking and pulmonary aspiration, and it occur when the unsupervised play and eating, children with decreased consciousness which may leads to choking. It is incorrect to refer to any circumstances in which an obstruction of the airways causes a people to die as a result of choking. The word "choking" excludes deaths caused by diseases other than those caused by strangling, drowning, and gagging, which are all distinct medical conditions. Thus, the prevention of choking and pulmonary aspiration can be done by increasing knowledge and awareness about common sign and symptoms which includes gagging, watery eyes, reddening of face, coughing as well as teaching about preventive measures are choking technique which includes back blow and abdominal thrust and Heimlich maneuver among the mothers of toddler. In this study, the effectiveness of role play regarding prevention of choking and pulmonary aspiration among the mothers of toddler is improved from 26.96% to 70.12%.

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