
Corona virus disease (Covid-19) struck China for the very first time in Dec 2019. Since then, it has killed millions of people. Worldwide, almost every individual has been a victim of this pandemic in some way or the other. Apart from pharmacological treatment, Yoga has been extremely effective in the fight against Covid-19. Here we will focus only on Yama-Niyama, the first and foremost two pillars of Ashtanga Yoga (an eight-fold path of Yoga). The theoretical aspect of these two Yoga limbs is being discussed, which can be helpful in the socio-personal development of an individual in the post-Covid period. As no machine can function without an engine, in the same way, Ashtanga Yoga is incomplete without the practice of Yama-Niyama. Although practicing Yama-Niyama is directly proportional to the moral upliftment, their pursuance has the potential to develop an all-around personality. However, in this age of materialism, almost everyone has turned a deaf ear to these powerful practises, and if this continues, it will undoubtedly lead to a significant societal moral collapse. To come out of this scenario and bring social harmony, man will have to churn his inner self by incorporating the profound perspectives of Yama-Niyama in lifestyle on a routine basis. It is not just a fantasy, but we are convinced that if every individual starts adopting Yama-Niyama, then collectively, an extraordinary change will be clearly visible in the society. This will help rejuvenate the entire community severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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