
Traditional and Complementary Medicine (TCM) is widely known among Malaysians for its practices. This paper aims to examine users’ experiences and perceptions of TCM on its role in sustaining the health and well-being of Malaysians. To achieve the objective of this study, a qualitative study was conducted with the respondents by using an online in-depth interview through the video conferencing platform. 15 respondents residing in Penang, Malaysia who used TCM including Traditional Malay Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Indian Medicine, and Islamic Medical Practice were recruited for this study. The data from the interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. A thematic approach was used for data analysis to identify emerging themes and sub-themes. Results indicated five core themes: (i) Strength of traditional beliefs on TCM, (ii) personalised patient-practitioner relationship, (iii) perceived effectiveness of TCM (iv) TCM provides better preventive measures, and (v) TCM promotes a holistic approach to health and well-being. Here, it concludes that TCM impacts Malaysians’ health and wellbeing. Therefore, its potential for growth and importance, especially for sustaining health and well-being cannot be denied. Further research with a larger sample of respondents is needed to represent the population better while deepening the understanding of users’ experiences and perceptions.

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