
An integration of traditional and complementary medicine (TCM) into modern medical practices and its utilization along with health technology has incorporated issues like efficacy, quality, and safety. Malaysia government recognized TCM in various medical practices such as homeopathy, traditional Malay medicine, traditional Indian medicine, Islamic medical practices, and traditional Chinese medicine. This research aims to investigate whether races have moderating influence on the relationship of consumers' perceived safeness, perceived efficacy, holistic balance view, trust, and health awareness, and feeling of TCM usage. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 288 respondents residing in Sabah, Malaysia. Results revealed that races correspond with native, Chinese, Indian ethnicity in terms of having better feeling towards the usage of TCM products. The role of TCM usage is vital among the local communities in Sabah, Malaysia whereby they develop positive feeling and patronize towards TCM. Healthcare providers should consider this aspect for business sustainability.

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