
A major cause of high bioremediation endpoints is the limited bioaccessibility to residual contaminants resting in soil pores with diameters close to the size exclusion limit of bacterial cells. Under nongrowing conditions and in the absence of hydraulic flow, we examined how the tactic behavior of motile, contaminant-degrading Pseudomonas putida G7 cells (2 × 1 μm) influenced passage through membranes with pores ranging in size from 1 μm to 12 μm. The bacteria were spontaneously retained by the membranes - even those with the largest pore size. However, the cells were mobilized through 5 μm and 12 μm pores after the application of an attractant (salicylate). Mobilization also occurred by attraction to the common root exudate constituents γ-aminobutyric acid and citrate and repellence (or negative taxis) to zero-valent iron nanoparticles. The observed pore size threshold for tactic mobilization (5 μm) and unaltered cell fluxes and effective cell diffusion against different chemoeffector strengths and concentrations suggest that there is a physical constraint on the gradient sensing mechanism at the pores that drives the tactic response. Our results indicate that chemically mediated, small-scale tactic reactions of motile bacteria may become relevant to enhance the bioaccessibility of the residual contaminants present in micrometer-sized soil pores.

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