
New forms of social interaction has been facilitated by the internet; its extensive usability and access is the main reason of this. Mobile phones has made the use of internet even more accessible all over the world. Internet is used by users for various purposes mostly to read daily news, weather forecast, sports details, plan vacations and search the topics of their interests. But in the present time internet is used particularly for interaction on social media, chatting, sending message, sharing photos and staying in touch with friends and relatives worldwide. It has become an important part of everyone’s life across all the ages for communication purpose. It has evolved as a most powerful communication tool over the past decade, for sharing information in the society. SNSs have a large number of young users, that’s why a significant impact on the psychological and social development of youth like well-being and friendship quality is very much apparent. Numerous studies have been conducted to study the relationship between social networking sites and well-being of teenagers. This paper is an attempt to throw light on the role of social networking sites in well-being of students.

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