Both yellow luminescence (YL) and blue luminescence (BL) bands of GaN films have been investigated for decades, but few works report the relationship between them. In this study, two sets of GaN samples grown via metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) were investigated. A close relationship was found between the YL and BL bands for unintentionally doped GaN and Si-doped GaN samples, both of which were grown without intentional acceptor doping. It was found that the intensity ratio of blue luminescence to yellow luminescence (IBL/IYL) decreases sharply with the increase in carbon impurity concentration, even though both IBL and IYL increase obviously. It was also found that IBL/IYL decreases sharply with the increase in Si doping concentration. It is suggested that the C and Si impurities play important role in linkage and competition of the blue and yellow luminescence.
III-nitrides, such as GaN, InGaN, AlGaN and InAlGaN, are the key materials of third-generation semiconductors
It is widely known that the yellow luminescence (YL) band peaking around 2.2 eV and the blue luminescence (BL) band peaking around 2.9 eV from the GaN films are mainly caused by the carrier recombination between the donor–acceptor pairs (DAPs)
Based on the above results, a transition model about the YL and BL bands of our GaN samples is proposed and is schematically shown in Figure 7, in which both YL and BL are DAP luminescence processes, but they are related to the different donor and acceptor pairs, i.e., ED1 and EA1, and ED2 and EA2, respectively
III-nitrides, such as GaN, InGaN, AlGaN and InAlGaN, are the key materials of third-generation semiconductors. Their photonic and electronic devices, such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) [1,2], laser diodes (LDs) [3–5], photodetectors (PDs) [6,7] and high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) [8,9], have extensive applications in solid state lighting, light or microwave communication, and power electronics. TThhee SSiiHH44 ffllooww rraattee ffoorr tthhee ttoopp GGaaNN llaayyeerr ggrroowwtthh wwaass aallwwaayyss kkeepptt zzeerroo,, bbuutt ootthheerr ggrroowwtthh ccoonnddiittiioonnss,, ssuucchh aass tteemmppeerraattuurree,, pprreessssuurree oorr NNHH33 ffllooww rraattee,, wweerree iinntteennttiioonnaallllyy mmoodduullaatteedd ttoo cchhaannggee tthhee rreessiidduuaall CC ddooppiinngg ccoonncceennttrraattiioonn iinn tthheessee llaayyeerrss. FFoorr SSeerriieess IIII 44 nn--GGaaNN ssaammpplleess AA00,, AA11,, AA22 aanndd AA33,, tthhee ttoopp GGaaNN llaayyeerrss wweerree ggrroowwnn wwiitthh iinntteennttiioonnaall SSii ddooppiinngg bbyy uussiinngg ddiiffffeerreenntt SSiiHH44 flflooww rraatteess T[Saib] lies S1i. dGorpoiwngthcocnocnednittriaotniosno.f u-GaN and n-GaN samples, where [C] is residual C concentration, and [Si] is Si dopinSgamcopncleentrSatiiHon[4].Flow Rate (L/min) [Si] (cm−3) [C] (cm−3)
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