
Riverine sediments and suspended matters have been subjected to several bench scale tests for the evaluation of adsorption potential of heavy metals. For this purpose water, sediment and suspended particulate matters of Tadjan River (southern part of the Caspian Sea) were collected. In the vicinity of the river many polluting sources were recognized; for instance , pulp and paper mill, dairy factory and municipal sewage that can introduce various amounts of heavy metals into the river water. Bottom sediments and suspended particulate matters have been individually subjected to adsorption tests. The results of analy sis showed that riverine bottom sediments have greater potential for adsorbing heavy metals than suspended matters. However the trend of adsorption in both sediments and suspended matters are similar. Maximum adsorption capacity of heavy metals (in terms of mg of metal per kg of sediments and suspended matters) by sediments and suspended matters are as: Sediments : Cu (2200 )> Mn (2000 )> Ni (1400 )> Zn (320 ) Suspended matters : Cu (2100 )> Ni (1500 )> Mn (1200 )> Zn (310 ) Further, results revealed that increasin g concentration of metals would cause desorbing Cadmium from both sediments and suspended matters.

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