
The road is the same , up - hill or down - hill. And it’s our choice to choose one of the two. But the destination at the end of the road is different. Let us all appreciate the fact that there is a big difference between advertising a commodity such as a table, chair , mobile phone and a Medicine. In the first case, if the advertised claims are not met, the commodity such as a chair or a table may last for only 2 years in place of 5 years. We may even forget the original guarantee period given at the time of purchase a nd buy another new commodity, but in case of medicines the story is different. If you are taking a medicine for say reducing blood pressure and if it fails to do so as indicated, you are likely to end up in an emergency ward of a hospital fo r the treatment of heart - attack. We often come across advertisements, which make tall claims, such as Increase your male stamina, Improve your memory instantly, Lose 10 kg of weight in 10 days etc. Beyond doubt, there are certain medicines, which work wonders, but surely not in all patients and certainly not in 10 days. Furthermore, there are some medicines very popular in the society at large for their beneficial effects and are likely to be consumed without consul ting a physician. Recently, Media has done a wonderful jo b by making a common man aware about the expiry date of goods. This noble initiative can also be extended to medicines, which would help in saving several innocent lives. Furthermore, there are a few physicians, who are unable to keep themselves up - to - date due to patient rush and ambitious lifestyle. The authors would like to make a mention of few such medicines, which though popular in every house hold are likely to cause life threatening side effects. Pioglitazone, a powerful anti - diabetic medicine, analg in, a promising pain killer and de - anxit, an anti - depressant drug have all been banned recently by Drugs Controller General of India for their serious adverse effects. A common man, who is busy in earning his daily bread, needs to be informed about these B anned Drugs. The authors advocate that media persons can play a positive role here. Then, there is also an issue of magic rem edies, which claim to possess miraculous powers misleading the public. These magic remedies falsely claim that certain chronic dise ases such as Diabetes, Asthma, Cancer, AIDS etc can be easily cured. The author would like to enlighten the learned readers with these health related issues and provide simple check points and solutions for a healthy and peaceful life.

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