
Education is considered as a basic human right in modern society as education makes people responsible citizens imbibed with knowledge, awareness and wisdom. This has been adhered by international organisations like the UN which declared the famous universal declaration of human rights in the year 1948 made education as a basic human right. Education has been given prime importance in India since independence. The 4th Chapter of the Constitution of India depicts the Directive Principles of State Policy include directions to the government on significant areas for the development of the nation. It is constitutionally mandated in India that governments shall provide compulsory and free of cost education to children up to the age of 14 years. It articulates the importance of education given by the makers of the Indian Constitution. The formal education process of an individual starts with primary education as it aims to develop the social, cognitive, cultural, emotional and physical skills of children and enable them to build their basic qualities for a prospective life. Right to Education Act 2010 made education a major responsibility of the local self-government institutions as India has adopted a strong local administrative system through the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts. This paper is an attempt to introduce the overall view of the role of local authorities in the development of Primary Schools.

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