
In Ayurved, Jwara is not merely the concept of raised body temperature, as said in Charaka Samhita, 'Deha- Indriya- Manah- Santap' is the cardinal symptom of Jwara. This can be defined as the state where the body, mind as well as sense organs suffer from the high temperature. Jwara is considered as a king of all diseases because every person in this world comes with Jwara and depart with it. Acharya Charaka while illustrating diseases give first preference to Jwara both in Nidansthana and Chikitsasthana. It takes away the life of all living beings, causes a disturbance in the body, sense organs and minds and diminishes intellect, strength, completion, pleasure and enthusiasm. Jwara Vyadhi is discussed in details in all the Ayurvedic Samhita Granthas. Rasa dravyas are widely practiced in the treatment of Jwara due to its easy availability and high efficacy. There is a wide spectrum of Jwarahara dravyas mentioned in Rasashastra and Jawaraghani gutika is one of them. It is one of such herbo-mineral preparations which have been used from ancient time for the treatment of Sarwa Jwara. It is firstly illustrated by Rasa Prakash Sudhakar (12th century AD) in Jwara Rogadikar. Herein, this article reviews the role of Jwaraghani gutika used in Jwarachikitsa as per Ayurvedic classics.

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